Thursday, February 7, 2013

pindah host : 500 Internal Server Error



Feed: Arsip
Posted on: Friday, February 08, 2013 09:28
Author: a-a-a-a
Subject: pindah host : 500 Internal Server Error


Mohon petunjuk kaka disini,...
ceritanya kmren baru pindah host
nah ketika ane coba cek melalui google page speed kok keterangannya gini ya?

The server for returned the HTTP error code 500, thus the page analyzed might not be the page you were looking for.

coba cek Gtmetrix

Analysis Error

The page returned an error: 500 Internal Server Error

GTmetrix tried to access the page, but your server returned with an Internal Server Error. Check your server and application to ensure that it's returning a success status code.

proses perpindahan host melalui PHPAdmin yaitu import dan ekspor
untuk saat ini web ane hxxp:// berjalan normal
oh.... ya domain juga udah ane ubah dnsnya ke host yang baru

mohon masukan dri kaka semua...


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